USA Today delivers new digital edition experience.
Tecnavia is foundation for new web & mobile app print replica editions.
Burnsville, MN — Tecnavia announced that USA Today is now publishing revamped and modernized digital print
replica editions of their daily USA Today newspaper, USA Today Sports Weekly and specials. Based on Tecnavia’s
NewsMemory technology, the new editions provide a cross-platform reading experience via web browser and
mobile apps.
The new presentation gives digital readers a familiar and intuitive print-like experience, while still using the web
and mobile platform features, gestures and conventions readers appreciate, and have come to expect. Features
include multiple page and story display modes, digital language translation, story read-aloud, automated
personalized topic searches, live URL links to web and rich media, access to digital puzzles and social media
The digital edition is accessed via most any contemporary web browser. For mobile readers, specially branded
USA Today Apple iOS and Android apps are available for download from the respective app stores. Mobile and
desktop/laptop interfaces are similar and consistent. At the same time, they provide unique display modes
appropriate for different device platforms.
“We are excited to work with USA Today,” said Diane Amato, Vice President of Sales & Marketing at Tecnavia.
“They have been innovators since the first issue published back in 1982. We want to bring that same spirit and
creativity to their digital editions. With a daily readership of about 2.6 million and typically ranked as the largest
circulation paper in the United States, we are gratified that USA Today put their trust in our company and
About Tecnavia: Tecnavia has 20 years’ experience in e-publishing and pioneered the concept of digital print
editions. Today, Tecnavia the premier vendor in our space, manages over 2,000 titles and processes over 8
million pages per year for publishers both large and small. Along with digital editions, services include iOS and
Android apps for live news, website meters, subscription sales, digital archives, eTearsheets and the new
Tecnavia Ad Network. We aim to continue offering high-performance, innovative and cost-effective solutions
relying on hard work, bright ideas, and continuous research and development.
Diane Amato, VP Sales & Marketing
Tecnavia Press Inc.
13965 W. Preserve Blvd.,
Burnsville, MN 55337