Website development, CMS & hosting
We convert your web site to a responsive and adaptive layout for all screens and web browsers.
Thanks to Tecnavia’s unique Replicator WordPress system we are able to replicate your existing website in order to switch to an infrastructure that allows easy expand-ability and less expensive developments.
The incredible experience is the completely stress free switch over to our solution. Basing the system on WordPress it allows to take advantage of the incredible wide availability of plug-ins and a wide range of developers.
But with Tecnavia’s unique plugins we resolve the limitations normally intrinsic with WordPress.
Tecnavia creates responsiveand SEO friendlywebsites allowing you to quickly and easily update, manage, and maintain your content.
Using a user-friendly CMS, WordPress, Tecnavia provides the ideal solution for publications of any size, on any budget to:
- INCREASE circulation
- SHOWCASE preferred content
- ATTRACT new readers
- GENERATE revenues
- MAINTAIN control
- REDUCE costs
• Automated updating of your website from the printed content
• Add non-print content including breaking and live news anytime with ease
• Control content and timing to keep the content fresh
• Automatically segment and showcase your regional editions, special sections and niche publications to better serve your target demographic
• Generate new advertising revenues with multiple web ad positions located throughout
• Customize features and functionalities provide design flexibility for weather, currency exchange rates, market prices etc.
• Captivate and retain your audience with enriched content including video, image galleries and more!
• Provide easy access archives with your preferred business model
• Google Analytics or other metric integration available to monitor performance
• Turn key user management, eCommerce, hard paywalls, metered paywalls and single sign-on all available!